Faculty from our member universities, and independent investigators from other universities and organizations are eligible to conduct research using Field Station RESOURCES and partnerships. Faculty from our senior member universities are eligible to stay free of cost, while others are subject to rates on our 2019 FEE SCHEDULE. All research must be approved by the Chincoteage Bay Field Station Research Committee, which is comprised of faculty from our member universities and a CBFS representative. Once approved researchers can contact the University and Research office to arrange any support that is needed, including housing, equipment, lab space, assistance with permits, making arrangements with partner organizations, and badging for access to Wallops Island. All researchers utilizing CBFS resources are then required to provide a yearly update by January 30th of each year.
For more information or if you have questions contact [email protected]
Rapid biological assessment for vertebrate species on Wallops Island National Wildlife Refuge.
Dr. Aaron Haines
SCHOOL: Millersville University
RESEARCH AREA: Conservation Biology RESEARCH PURPOSE: Document as many vertebrate species on Wallops Island National Wildlife Species within a relatively short period of time to determine vertebrate species richness and diversity. BIO: My professional research interests involve identifying more effective approaches to implement on the ground conservation strategies to benefit species of conservation concern. Conservation strategies may include the use of spatial models to identify priority areas in need of protection, mitigation of poaching activity, evaluation of field techniques for conservation research, and evaluation of recovery efforts for threatened and endangered species. I enjoy involving undergraduate students in my research through the Applied Conservation Lab. I have found that research is an effective way to teach concepts and field techniques that deal with ecology and conservation biology. I have found that students who participated in research felt they learned more practical skills and they were more actively involved, and their interest in the conservation and ecology of wild species increased.
Intensity modulation in male advertisement calls of Fowler’s Toads: Are mainland males ending on a good note? John M. Hranitz (BU), Alan P. Belles (BU student)
Comparisons of age structure in populations of Fowler’s Toads on three Atlantic Coast Barrier Islands and the mainland John M. Hranitz (BU), Laurel Downs (BU student)
Modeling coastal flooding of vernal pools hosting anurans on Assateague Island Ajoy Kumar (MU), John M. Hranitz (BU), Sarah Dodgin (BU student), Paola Lunardi (BU student)
Relative population density and behavior of seaside dragonlets (Erythrodiplax berenice) in reclaimed and unimpaired salt marsh habitats. Clay Corbin (BU), Alan Newnham (BU student)
Surface and Sub-Surface Mapping in the Coastal Zone of Wallops Island NASA Flight Facility: Monitoring Storm Response, Sea-Level Rise, and Biodiversity Adrienne Oakley (KU), Sean Cornell (SU), Thomas Bond (KU student)
Investigating the Development of a Bay Promontory Salt Marsh in Greenbackville, VA through Vibracoring Adrienne Oakley (KU), Sean Cornell (SU), Adam Cooper (KU student), Casey Michalowski (KU Student)
Status and Conservation of the Wallops Island Coastal Barrier Island Herpetofauna in Accomack Co., Virginia. Pablo R. Delis (SU), Walter E. Meshaka (State Museum of Pennsylvania)
Status and Conservation of the Herpetofauna of Accomack Co., Virginia. Pablo R. Delis (SU), Walter E. Meshaka (State Museum of Pennsylvania)
Long Term Survey of Ophidians in Natural Islands In An Urban Landscape in Accomack Co., Virginia. Pablo R. Delis (SU), Walter E. Meshaka (State Museum of Pennsylvania), Dorissa Brivchik (SU Student)
Long Term Study, Using Automated Acoustic Systems of the Anuran Community in Wallops Island, Accomack Co., VA. Pablo R. Delis (SU), Walter E. Meshaka (State Museum of Pennsylvania)
An Island population of the Eastern Mud turtle (Kinosternon subrubrum) in Wallops Island, Accomack Co., VA: Conservations Implications. Pablo R. Delis (SU), Safiya Abubakar (SU Student)
Reproduction and phenology of the Gray Treefrog (Hyla versicolor) in Accomack Co., Virginia. Pablo R. Delis (SU), Walter E. Meshaka (State Museum of Pennsylvania)
Reproduction and phenology of the Fowler’s Toad (Anaxyrus fowleri) in Accomack Co., Virginia. Pablo R. Delis (SU), Walter E. Meshaka (State Museum of Pennsylvania)
Reproduction and phenology of the Green Treefrog (Hyla cinerea) in Accomack Co., Virginia. Pablo R. Delis (SU), Walter E. Meshaka (State Museum of Pennsylvania)
Comparisons of age structure in populations of Fowler’s Toads on three Atlantic Coast Barrier Islands and the mainland John M. Hranitz (BU), Laurel Downs (BU student)
Modeling coastal flooding of vernal pools hosting anurans on Assateague Island Ajoy Kumar (MU), John M. Hranitz (BU), Sarah Dodgin (BU student), Paola Lunardi (BU student)
Relative population density and behavior of seaside dragonlets (Erythrodiplax berenice) in reclaimed and unimpaired salt marsh habitats. Clay Corbin (BU), Alan Newnham (BU student)
Surface and Sub-Surface Mapping in the Coastal Zone of Wallops Island NASA Flight Facility: Monitoring Storm Response, Sea-Level Rise, and Biodiversity Adrienne Oakley (KU), Sean Cornell (SU), Thomas Bond (KU student)
Investigating the Development of a Bay Promontory Salt Marsh in Greenbackville, VA through Vibracoring Adrienne Oakley (KU), Sean Cornell (SU), Adam Cooper (KU student), Casey Michalowski (KU Student)
Status and Conservation of the Wallops Island Coastal Barrier Island Herpetofauna in Accomack Co., Virginia. Pablo R. Delis (SU), Walter E. Meshaka (State Museum of Pennsylvania)
Status and Conservation of the Herpetofauna of Accomack Co., Virginia. Pablo R. Delis (SU), Walter E. Meshaka (State Museum of Pennsylvania)
Long Term Survey of Ophidians in Natural Islands In An Urban Landscape in Accomack Co., Virginia. Pablo R. Delis (SU), Walter E. Meshaka (State Museum of Pennsylvania), Dorissa Brivchik (SU Student)
Long Term Study, Using Automated Acoustic Systems of the Anuran Community in Wallops Island, Accomack Co., VA. Pablo R. Delis (SU), Walter E. Meshaka (State Museum of Pennsylvania)
An Island population of the Eastern Mud turtle (Kinosternon subrubrum) in Wallops Island, Accomack Co., VA: Conservations Implications. Pablo R. Delis (SU), Safiya Abubakar (SU Student)
Reproduction and phenology of the Gray Treefrog (Hyla versicolor) in Accomack Co., Virginia. Pablo R. Delis (SU), Walter E. Meshaka (State Museum of Pennsylvania)
Reproduction and phenology of the Fowler’s Toad (Anaxyrus fowleri) in Accomack Co., Virginia. Pablo R. Delis (SU), Walter E. Meshaka (State Museum of Pennsylvania)
Reproduction and phenology of the Green Treefrog (Hyla cinerea) in Accomack Co., Virginia. Pablo R. Delis (SU), Walter E. Meshaka (State Museum of Pennsylvania)
Coastal Barrier Island Herptofauna (Pablo Delis, Shippensburg University)
Assessing Coastal Environmental Change: Monitoring Storm Response, Sea-level Rise, and Biodiversity at Wallops Island (Adrienne Oakley, Kutztown University; Sean Cornell, Shippensburg University)
LiDar Data Processing (Ajoy Kumar, Millersville University; Shixong Hu, East Stroudsburg University)
CubeSat Development (Haklin Kim, East Stroudsburg University)
Terrapin Population Study (Matt Stone, Kutztown University)
Inexpensive Tethered Aerial Data Gathering Platform (Jeff Sumey, California University)
Projecting the impacts of Climate Change and Identifying adaption options at Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge (Ajoy Kumar, Millersville University)
Seasonal and spatial patterns of Penilia avirostris and three tunicate species in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (Julie Ambler; Ajoy Kumar, Millersville University)
Assessing Coastal Environmental Change: Monitoring Storm Response, Sea-level Rise, and Biodiversity at Wallops Island (Adrienne Oakley, Kutztown University; Sean Cornell, Shippensburg University)
LiDar Data Processing (Ajoy Kumar, Millersville University; Shixong Hu, East Stroudsburg University)
CubeSat Development (Haklin Kim, East Stroudsburg University)
Terrapin Population Study (Matt Stone, Kutztown University)
Inexpensive Tethered Aerial Data Gathering Platform (Jeff Sumey, California University)
Projecting the impacts of Climate Change and Identifying adaption options at Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge (Ajoy Kumar, Millersville University)
Seasonal and spatial patterns of Penilia avirostris and three tunicate species in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (Julie Ambler; Ajoy Kumar, Millersville University)