Resources for member university and visiting faculty
Deadlines for CBFS Documents
October 15th 2017 Course Descriptions Summer 2018
January 30th 2018 Yearly Research Project Updates
January 30th 2018 Yearly Update CV for Affiliate Faculty Status
January 30th 2018 Research Funding Updates for Grants
February 15th 2018 Summer Session 2018 Weekly Schedule
October 15th 2018 Course Descriptions
Upon Initiation (allow 1 month processing) Research Applications
Upon Initiation (immediate approval, upon receipt) Affiliate Faculty Application
Upon Initiation (minimum 3 weeks) Booking Forms-Field Trip/Research
October 15th 2017 Course Descriptions Summer 2018
January 30th 2018 Yearly Research Project Updates
January 30th 2018 Yearly Update CV for Affiliate Faculty Status
January 30th 2018 Research Funding Updates for Grants
February 15th 2018 Summer Session 2018 Weekly Schedule
October 15th 2018 Course Descriptions
Upon Initiation (allow 1 month processing) Research Applications
Upon Initiation (immediate approval, upon receipt) Affiliate Faculty Application
Upon Initiation (minimum 3 weeks) Booking Forms-Field Trip/Research
Stay updated! Join our Faculty List ServeA Google account is not required to receive and send emails but does facilitate web viewing.
To join the faculty email list and Google group, please email [email protected] with a brief description of who you are. |
Apply for Affiliate Faculty StatusIncrease the visibility of your work at the Field Station and help support us! Apply to be a CBFS Affiliate Faculty Member TODAY!
Field Trips |
Research |
Trawl Net Deployment Video If you will be trawling aboard one of our inshore monitor vessels, the RV Mollusk or RV Flatfish, we recommend that you share this video with your group.
Trawl Net Retrieval Video and this one. |
Faculty Research Application
Yearly Research Update (January 30th every year, until complete) Student Researcher Program Booking Form User Agreement Please include our logo on all research posters and publications!
Summer Sessions |
Academic Advisory CouncilAAC Resources are password protected if you should have the password and don't, please contact [email protected]
Equipment Wish List's |
Marketing |
Do you have a piece of equipment you wish we had for you to use at the Field Station? See if it is already on our "Scientific Equipment Wish List" if not please add it! And we will do our best to obtain it through grant funding or through our partner organizations.
Does your university have surplus equipment or furniture that they are getting rid of that you think the Field Station might need? Let us know or check out our "Surplus Equipment Wanted" list below. |
Help spread the word about your experience at the Field Station!!
Other Useful LinksNOAA's Digital Coast- a portal for Lidar, Economic and SLR data and visualizations.
Maryland DNR Fixed Station- monthly monitoring for a buoy in Chincoteague Bay near the MD/VA border National Wetlands Inventory VMRC Chesapeake Bay Map- includes Chincoteague Bay. Shows oyster leases, public shellfish grounds, state lands, Accomap- Land ownership in Accomack County NOAA TIde Tables
Chincoteague Bay Tom's Cove Wallops Island Greenbackville/ Franklin City Local Government Official Information-Search engine to help you find local government resources and contact information